Cleantech fueling social change

We deliver configurable cleantech solutions to communities that lack energy access globally, accelerating community sustainability at every step.

Orora Global is a global social enterprise that builds truly sustainable communities using affordable renewable energy as a vehicle for innovation. Our programs are co-designed with the communities to bring more opportunities to women and youth both in developing as well as developed countries.

Powering Communities. Empowering Lives.

Clean technology provides a necessary platform to develop innovative solutions for manufacturing, education, healthcare, telecom, water, and more. Orora’s solar systems impact the triple bottom line – of People, Planet, and Profit – sustainably.

The Orora Business Model

1: Onboard
a community or grassroots organization

2: Train
local women and youth to be solar engineers

3: Codesign
solutions for sustainability with the local community

4: Power
the community solar solutions with Orora cleantech

5: Service
by local on-site staff and remote diagnostics solutions

Discover Orora and Join Our Movement

Women holding and looking at solar electronics equipment

Our Impact

Orora Power provides Empowerment Through Renewables to women and youth in developing countries. Learn about how Orora is improving lives and the environment.

Solar panel on the roof in a rural village

Get Involved

You can support our international partners by becoming an investor in an Orora-powered business or by purchasing carbon offsets that go toward power systems. Learn about your options & opportunities.

Group of people in India in a rural village outside an Orora solar training hub

Get In Touch

We welcome new partners in all parts of the value chain. Whether you’re an investor, purchasing carbon offsets, or want to buy a Power Hub for your community, we'd love to hear from you.